Genevieve Tobin Biography & Timeline

Genevieve Tobin
Born: November 29, 1899.
Died: July 31, 1995.

Genevieve Tobin was a hit on Broadway before moving out West to make her way in pictures. She starred in a handful of pictures at Warner Brothers and other studios before moving into supporting roles, usually as the manipulative woman who tries to steal the hapless hero away from his devoted wife. Tobin married director William Keighley in 1938 and retired in 1940.

Timeline (In Progress)

William Keighley is born August 4, 1889.

Genevieve Tobin is born November 29, 1899.

April 1912 – Tobin costarred as Lady Cudworth in an all-kids version of Disraeli. Her brother, George, played the titular role. (Clipper)

August 1912 – Appeared with George in “The Polish Wedding”. The play opened in Syracuse on August 31, the Detroit Opera House ‘the week after’ and Chicago on September 8. (Variety)

September 1916 – Vivian and Genevieve are in “The Age of Reason”. It’s “a problem play for children” that is called “a rather talky affair, but has a better punch at the finish to send it over.” It plays at the Palace and runs for 20 minutes. It’s set in a house and contains showy wardrobe. Genevieve and Vivian are noted to ‘ably’ portray their characters. (Clipper)

April 6, 1917 – Appeared with Vivian at the Majestic Theatre in a vaudeville show called “The Age of Reason.” (Variety)

February 1918 – Fifth billed in “Honor Bright” playing at the Vanderbilt. (Variety)

March 1918 – Play’s renamed “Oh Look”, proclaimed a hit. Played in Wilmington. “One paper termed it the best musical comedy of the season.” Tobin was mentioned as having received special mention. (Variety) Tobin wears a blue dress with coral bands, a coral dress with ruffles and a white handkerchief, and white ruffles with two rows of pink roses hanging from the waist. (Variety)

July 30 1919 – Genevieve is fourth billed in “The Golden Age”, a play about ‘the golden age of youth, of puppy love and the crisis in a girl’s career when love enters in the period where adolescence blooms into womanhood.’ Helen Hayes stars and is highly praised for her role. (Variety)


more to come.

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